The funeral for Corporal Keith Nurnberg took place September 15, 2007 – eight months ago.  The Patriot Guard was honored with an invitation to attend.  It was the same day as the Greg Bowman funeral which drew the attention of our friends from Westboro.  There was some satisfaction taken from the suggestion that the Westboro people were perhaps unable to picket Nurnberg because of they were busy with Bowman.


And then Keith Nurnberg Jr. was born on November 24th – less than 6 months ago.



Keith’s widow – Keith Jr’s mother – continues to teach at Round Lake Village Elementary School.  The students and staff raised funds for a flag and a flagpole that was recently installed at the front of the school.  The Patriot Guard was again honored with an invitation, this time to attend the dedication ceremony.



Like the funeral, the event fell on a Saturday.  My wife and grandson came with me.



I had told Kevin that we would not have to hold the flags for very long and that there would be cookies.  Both predictions proved true.



Plus, he met Wyatt.  He attends school there.



I anticipated a celebration.  The flag is a symbol the worthy cause that CPL Nurnberg voluntarily served and the flagpole represents the successful efforts of students and staff.  Add to that the cookies, and it was a formula for good cheer.  So it was incongruous when Fred told me that John had “gone over to the dark side.”


Vuk explained that Old Coastie had got hissef a Haw-lee.



So, with that exception, it all felt festive to me.  We picked-up our flags to make our “circle of comfort” with our colorful flags and ourselves.



There were two soldiers present who raised the flag



“Present arms!”


And the new flag went up the new flagpole.



Lake County Council Member Larry Leafblad sang “God Bless America



And then Councilman Leafblad led us in the National Anthem.



And then it was done.  The flagpole had been consecrated and the flag was flying.  Keith was remembered and Keith Jr. would have something to remember.  CPL Nurnberg’s mother, father and wife had been reassured and we were glad to help.  Mission accomplished.


And on to the next mission.  Most of us would ride to Crystal Lake for the Mother’s Day visit of Jeremy Sacks.  He has spent several months in the Walter Reed Army Medical Center recovering from an IED injury but he came home to see his mom and we would go to his mom’s house to see him.  I took a few photos at the staging area in Crystal Lake.  All photos are in one album.  Photos from 797 through 948 were taken in Round Lake.  Photos from 949 through 998 were taken in Crystal Lake.




        201 photos


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